Photographs of Pompeii

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The shadow of Vesuvius

Pompeii Streets

Theatre, Amphitheatre & Palaestra

Wall Paintings & Mosaics

More Pompeii

Villa Dei Misteri

Naples & the Amalfi Coast



Pompeii is a site that I had heard about for years before I finally went to see it. Most people said that it was much too crowded and that Herculaneum was better. So I went with limited expectations. It was great, big, much bigger than I expected. Too much to absorb in one day.
We were early, just after opening time and so we could absorb the atmosphere before the masses arrived. It was relatively quiet and I think that helped. Vesuvius loomed above us to the East reminding me of the fate of the city. The Bay of Naples would have been close to the western edge of the city, but this has been separated by the new motorway and the suburbs of Naples.
These superb models are in the Naples Museo Nazionale.

Model of Pompeii, Naples Museo Nazionale
The Basilica

Model of Pompeii, Naples Museo Nazionale